Project ULTIMATE Kick off Meeting 27th October 2022 at Thales Research and Technology in Paris

CBRNE Ltd took part, on Thursday 27th October 2022, in the Kick off Meeting of Project ULTIMATE (mULti-level Trustworthiness to IMprove the Adoption of hybrid arTificial  intelligence) at the headquarters of Thales Research and Technology in Palaiseau, Paris.  The project includes Robotnik Automation (ROB) (Spain), Kungliga Tekniska Hoegskolan (KTH) (Sweden), Laboratoire National de Metrologie et D’Essais (LNE) (France), Fundacion Tecnalia Research & Innovation  (TEC) (Spain), Siec Badawcza Lukasiewicz – Przemyslowy Instytut Automatyki I Pomiarow (PIAP) (Poland), ITTI Sp Zoo (ITTI (Poland) and Thales Alenia Space Franc SAS (TAS) (France).

The ULTIMATE project will conduct research and innovation activities in the field of hybrid AI algorithm trained on data and model-based systems. The development of the algorithms will ease the adoption (trustworthiness) of hybrid AI for application in complex and industrial environments. The novelty of the project lies in the development of new methodologies for modelling physical limitations and constraints as experienced by humans. The project aims to improve the ability of AI algorithms to improve situational awareness and translate the signals to aid in the decision support system. Uniquely the project will demonstrate the hybrid AI algorithms in real-life environments under controlled settings to showcase the performance evaluation of the project outcomes.


The consortium partners of project ULTIMATE at the Kick off Meeting at Thales Research and Technology in Paris