On May 13th. PROACTIVE will be actively present in the third Joint Activity (or Exercise) in Ranst (Belgium), where an exercise is organised by Campus Vesta (as an active consortium partner of the eNOTICE project with which PROACTIVE has an agreement of cooperation).
In preparation of this exercise, the PROACTIVE and Campus Vesta Planning Teams engaged in a successful discussion on key elements of the management of the exercise at Campus Vesta’ s premises.
Between Monday the 27th and Tuesday the 28th of February, the PROACTIVE team had intensive meetings with the Belgian colleagues. Partners included Tony Godwin and Dominic Kelly from CBRNE Ltd. (PROACTIVE Exercise Planning Leader), Daniel Strömberg, Åsa Burlin and Per-Erik Johansson from Umeå University in Sweden (PROACTIVE Exercise Direction in Ranst), Dale Weston from UKHSA (PROACTIVE Evaluation Lead of all three exercises) and Danielle Carbon from DHPol in Germany (PROACTIVE Exercise Direction in the previous joint exercises).
The planning hosts of Campus Vesta, Including Pieter Van Turnhout (General Manager), Wendy Van den Branden (director), Ronald Ackermans (director) Maaike van de Vorst (eNOTICE project coordinator at Campus Vesta ) and Luc Calluy, organised key meetings with Civil Society Representatives to steer the recruitment of volunteers.
Both teams jointly visited the location where the exercise will take place.