CBRNE Ltd. as ULTIMATE partner joins nine EU projects that collaborate for Trustworthy AI across Europe

Nine projects funded under the Horizon Europe call, HORIZON-CL4-2021-HUMAN-01-01, will help pave the way for the greater acceptance of Artificial Intelligence (AI)  across Europe. These projects share a common goal of shaping AI solutions that are innovative, human-centric and dependable. Amid others, the main focus is on verifiable robustness, energy efficiency and transparency.

Each of these projects brings a unique perspective to the broad realm of trustworthy AI. Driven by the collective aim of fostering trust and confidence in AI technology, these initiatives are geared towards enhancing transparency, explainability, accountability, safety and performance in systems using AI.

The collaborative spirit of these projects is clear as the projects embark on shared efforts to understand each other´s objectives and identify opportunities for synergies. These “cluster” activities work to ensure a cohesive strategy that aligns with the overall call objectives and the Digital Europe Strategy.

The following nine projects are part of the call and each project provides solid scientific solutions complemented by tools and processes for design, testing, validation, certification, software engineering methodologies and real-world applications.

By pooling their collective expertise, visions and communication channels, these projects aim to mutually amplify their impact.

The European AI strategy seeks to position the EU as a world-class hub for AI. This is why collaboration and synergies is a driving force of the European research landscape and a key player on the strategy. The core goal is to address the challenges of AI trust and uptake, ensuring that AI solutions are not only cutting-edge but that they also resonate with European values.

For more information about this collaboration and the projects funded under HORIZON-CL4-2021-HUMAN-01-01, visit https://cordis.europa.eu/search?q=contenttype%3D%27project%27%20AND%20programme%2Fcode%3D%27HORIZON-CL4-2021-HUMAN-01-01%27&p=1&num=10&srt=/project/contentUpdateDate:decreasing.