FP7 Project CAMINO Joint Workshop

Dominic Kelly, Managing Director of CBRNE Ltd, attended a joint workshop 8th and 9th April 2015 hosted by FP7 Project CAMINO (Comprehensive Approach to cyber roadmap coordINation and development) in which CBRNE Ltd is a participating partner and FP7 Project COURAGE (Cybercrime and cyberterrOrism (EUropean Research AGEnda).   The title of the workshop was “Innovation and Cybercrime: Challenges of the Digital Transformation in Europe” and was hosted by the University of Montpellier, France.

  • Sessions subjects included
  • Digital innovations, cybercrime and cyber terrorism: Issues and Challenges: Which strategy?
  • Cyber threats: Analysis of risks and strategies
  • Issues and risks related to the development of virtual currencies
  • Big Data, Internet of Things and Security
  • European projects, international cooperation, research and training in the fight against cybercrime and Cyber Terrorism


Speakers included:

General Marc Watin-Augouard (Director of the Research Centre of the Ecole des Officiers de la Gendarmerie National (EOGN).

Marco Lozano, INCIBE (Instituto Nacional de Ciberseduridad de Espana)

Jean-Dominique Nollet, Head of the Unit of the Forensics Research Development European Centre (EC3-Europe)