Horizon 2020 Project ALIGNER

Case Studies Horizon 2020 Project ALIGNER

Project ALIGNER:

Artificial Intelligence Roadmap for Policing and Law Enforcement

Project ALIGNER developed a comprehensive roadmap to guide the ethical, legal, and effective integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in European law enforcement practices. By fostering collaboration among law enforcement agencies (LEAs), policymakers, researchers, industry professionals, and civil society, ALIGNER addressed the dynamic challenges posed by AI in policing. The project focused on identifying LEA capability enhancement needs, assessing and validating AI technologies, and mapping emerging crime patterns to ensure AI tools are beneficial, transparent, and aligned with societal values.

CBRNE Ltd played a key role in ALIGNER by establishing and managing two advisory boards—one for LEA practitioners and another for multidisciplinary stakeholders—leveraging their insights to shape the project’s roadmap. Additionally, CBRNE collaborated with KUL to develop an original methodology for Fundamental Rights Impact Assessment, published in the AI Ethics journal. This methodology highlights the importance of ensuring compliance with EU standards while addressing concerns such as privacy, algorithmic bias, and accountability.

More information

Project website: https://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/101020574