FP7 Project SUBCOP
Project SUBCOP:
Suicide Bomber Counteraction and Prevention
Project SUBCOP focused on developing technologies, procedures, and ethical frameworks to support law enforcement in responding to suspected Person-Borne Improvised Explosive Devices (PBIEDs). Its primary objective was to create less-than-lethal intervention tools and strategies that protect public safety while minimising harm to suspects, bystanders, and first responders. SUBCOP also aimed to provide operational guidance and ensure ethical and legal compliance in addressing PBIED threats.
CBRNE Ltd played a critical role in the project by leading end-user interactions. It facilitated the establishment of an End User Advisory Board, identified operational scenarios, and addressed challenges faced by end users. Additionally, CBRNE Ltd developed the PBIED Ethical Guidance Document and two publicly available handbooks: Ethical Challenges in Using Less-than-Lethal Weapons in Law Enforcement and Ethical Challenges in the Research and Development of Less-than-Lethal Technology. These resources provided law enforcement professionals and technology developers with essential guidance on ethical considerations.
CBRNE Ltd also produced a Legal Considerations Report, balancing the rights of perpetrators, responders, and the public, while addressing legal conflicts and operational risks. Its contributions ensured that SUBCOP solutions adhered to high ethical and legal standards, supporting safer, more effective responses to PBIED threats.
More information
Project website: https://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/312375