Case Studies FP7 Project PRACTICE


Preparedness and Resilience Against CBRN Terrorism Using Integrated Concepts and Equipment

Project PRACTICE aimed to enhance the preparedness and resilience of EU member states and associated countries against chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear (CBRN) terrorist attacks. The project developed an integrated “toolbox of tools,” combining equipment, procedures, methods, and public communication strategies to support first responders and emergency management organisations. This toolbox addressed gaps in existing response frameworks, fostering harmonised capabilities across borders while incorporating human factors and societal dimensions. Validation exercises in real-world environments were held to test and improve the toolbox’s functionality.

CBRNE Ltd coordinated, in conjunction with the West Midlands Police, one of the project’s live validation exercises, which involved over 40 volunteers and 150 first responders. This exercise, which took place at The International Convention Centre in Birmingham, evaluated public communication strategies, tested tools from PRACTICE partners, and collected data to improve public information materials and communication manuals. CBRNE Ltd contributed to advancing understanding of public behavioural responses during CBRN incidents and refining crisis communication approaches, particularly in providing actionable and dynamic information to the public.

More information

Project website: https://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/261728