EU DG Home – CBRN Technical Expertise Services
The C-TES project entitled “Technical Expertise Services to Support the Implementation of CBRN Policies (CBRN Technical Expertise Services)” with contract nr. HOME-2009-ISEC-PR-006-A1 was set up to support DG HOME of the European Commission in the implementation of the CBRN Action Plan. The projects covers three generic tasks:
- Task 1: Providing guidance and advice on questions on an ad hoc basis
- Task 2: Preparing analytical reports and studies
- Task 3: Support to the organisation of seminars/workshops/conferences.
A consortium was led by TNO (The Netherlands) and consisted of:
TNO (Lead) | Nederlandse Organisatie voor Toegepast- Natuurwetenschappelijk Onderzoek TNO | The Netherlands |
AIT | Austrian Institute of Technology | Austria |
CBRNE | CBRNE Ltd | United Kingdom |
CEA | Commissariat à l’Energie Atomique et aux énergies alternatives | France |
Umeå Universitet | European CBRNE Center | Sweden |
FOI | Swedish Defence Research Agency | Sweden |
IBC | IB Consultancy (for part of the contract) | The Netherlands |
KEMEA | Center for Security Studies, Ministry of Citizen Protection | Greece |
SLG | Seibersdorf Labor GmbH | Austria |
SUJCHBO | The National Institute for Nuclear, Biological and Chemical Protection | Czech Republic |
UCL | University of Louvain/td> | Belgium |
UNIBO | University of Bologna, Alma Mater Studiorum | Italy |
VTT | VTT Technical Research Centre | Finland |
CBRNE Ltd were involved in the following projects:
Subject matter: Report on CBRN detection technologies
Partners: CBRNE Ltd (Lead) CEA, UCL, Fraunhofer INT, Seibersdorf Laboratories
Objective: Fact finding on which detection technologies for CBRN substances exists, a comprehensive report on detection technologies available for C, B and RN, what has been and is being tested, what are/should be the priorities of EU and other international players, what should be the focus of future research to enable COM to focus on certain areas, what are existing and potential detection solutions/equipment.
Subject matter: Analysis of the HazMat questionnaires addressing the EU CBRN Action Plan C2 (page 17) and C13 (page 73) actions
Partner: CBRNE Ltd
Objective: DG Home had taken the initiative to send out two questionnaires to Member State stakeholders relating to:
- Action C.2 of the EU CBRN Action Plan for security plans and management systems in high risk chemical facilities.
- Action C.13 supporting First Responders, HazMat Teams and Specialist Teams in relation to national and regional command and control.
The questionnaires needed analysing and a decision taken as to whether it was necessary to advise stakeholders on additional initiatives for the security of HazMat processes and procedures.
Subject matter: Assessment of Member State organisations responsible for CBRN events and their preferred modus operandi on certain issues.
Partner: CBRNE Ltd
Objective: DG Home requested a review of open source data in order to provide an overview of Member States (MS) high level Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear (CBRN) and Explosive (E) stakeholders (Government and First Responders) and their views of incorporating CBRN and E as one initiative. To achieve this, DG Home requested that an assessment was made of how MS currently manage CBRNE and whether or not they manage “E” as an integral part of the CBRNE paradigm. Specifically there was a requirement to identify which organisations are in charge and how decisions are taken and by whom.
Subject matter: CBRN Emergency Response Guidebook for First Responders template
Partner: CBRNE Ltd (Lead) European CBRNE Centre (Umea University), Fraunhofer INT, University Catholique de Louvain (UCL), Swedish Defence Research Agency (FOI)
Objective: The aim of this study was to meet two specific objectives encompassed in Action H 40 (page 62) of the EU CBRN Action Plan, namely: “The Commission, together with the Member States, should facilitate the preparation of an EU Emergency Response Guidebook for first responders, based on existing national practices, applicable to the context of CBRN emergencies. The guidebook would be provided to the Member States free of charge and could be translated into all official EU languages. As part of the process of preparing an Emergency Response Guidebook, a stocktaking of existing documents and guidebooks should be conducted.” The study undertook thematic research, primarily via the internet to produce an inventory of existing national and international CBRN response guidebooks and related material. A total of 70 documents were researched and analysed to establish the basis for a European First Responders’ Guidebook template.
Subject matter: Identify on behalf of DG Home European Commission organisations capable and willing to answer a call for the vetting of personnel in matters relating to CBRN
Partner: CBRNE Ltd
Objective: CBRNE Ltd contacted 38 organisations to find the ideal organisation or partnership of organisations to fulfil the objectives of Tender Number HOME/2010/ISEC/PR/035-A1. CBRNE Ltd did this by identifying the ideal combination of stakeholders to create one, two or three consortia (“bundles”) via a matrix scoring the organisation’s strengths and weaknesses based on answers relating to (i) the organisation’s perception of its own capability to fulfil the objectives; (ii) the organisation’s capability in the subject matter; (iii) the organisation’s ability within a range of areas including regulations and industrial practices; (iv) a mix between industry, academia, government agency carrier and end user; (iv) other areas it might feel competent and (v) geographic overview.