Dominic Kelly attended the Final Event of Project popAI ( in Brussels on Tuesday 19th September. The project consisted of 13 partners from 8 European countries, namely: Greece, Ireland, Spain, Italy, Belgium, The Netherlands, Germany, and Slovakia and was coordinated by The National Centre for Scientific Research “Demokritos” (NCSRD). We were briefed that the legacy of the project would be an “AI Hub” consisting of 3 pillars: (i) a Network; (ii) Tools and (iii) Services…… So we await to hear more!
Project ALIGNER ( was represented by Dr. Daniel Lückerath of Fraunhofer Institute for intelligent Analysis and Information Systems IAIS (ALIGNER Coordinator), Donatella Casaburo of KU Leuven Centre for IT & IP Law and Dominic Kelly of CBRNE Ltd.
Dominic Kelly, Daniel Lückerath and Donatella Casaburo representing ALIGNER at the final event of project popAI