Project ALIGNER (Horizon 2020 Framework Programme of the European Union [Grant Agreement No: 101020574]) 5th Workshop at the offices of Fraunhofer IAIS, Sankt Augustin, Germany 21st to 22nd June 2023

CBRNE Ltd participated in the above workshop with special attention to the participation of the ALIGNER Advisory Board who attended either in person or virtually. The Advisory Board members provided their opinion and feedback on scenarios and AI technologies put to them by CBRNE and FOI.  We also provided examples from practices when AI is used for cybercrime.  At another session CBRNE and Fraunhofer IAIS asked the Advisory Board members to provide feedback on identified and emerging trends and their potential impacts.  In addition CBRNE led a discussion, which was well received and prompted plenty of useful feedback regarding the approach to assessing and mitigating risk and associated methods for impact assessment.  Lastly, CBRNE led the discussion on Policy Recommendations with an assessment on how ALIGNER’s compared with that of Projects popAI and STARLIGHT.  The latter projects both gave presentations updating attendees at the workshop on their progress and deliberations to date. The photograph shows a popAI PowerPoint page describing its activities (in a nutshell) but is an excuse to show the magnificent surroundings afforded by Fraunhofer IAIS premises in its “castle”.